Are Raccoons In Tampa Dangerous? Separating Myths And Reality


Raccoon pest control in Tampa can help keep residents safe from these sneaky creatures, but just how dangerous are raccoons anyway?

It’s a bit strange, but there seems to be a lot of hearsay when it comes to raccoons and what they get up to, especially in the residential areas we call home. This article aims to clarify some important distinctions between what people tend to think raccoons are like and how they actually behave.

The ultimate goal is to educate our readers on the realities of raccoons and the role they play as pests so that everyone can make informed decisions about raccoon pest control and removal.

Why Raccoons Are Common Residential Property Invaders In Tampa

Pest control for raccoons is important specifically because of how common these pests can be. But why are they so common, especially right here in Tampa?

To give you an idea of just how common raccoons are in the United States as a whole, estimates put the total number somewhere around ten million. It might be more, it might be less, but in general, there are a lot of raccoons, and they like living near human communities. That’s because they recognize the opportunities that humans present when it comes to food and also shelter.

In Tampa, just like in many other parts of the country, raccoons like to look through our garbage for food, and the fact is, most of the time, they’ll be successful. Raccoons may also take shelter in parts of our homes or property that we don’t use very often, like an attic or a shed. Like every other kind of pest, raccoons are trying to survive, and we humans offer them what they need.

Common Myths About Raccoons And Raccoon Activity

We think it’s important to address some of the most common myths about raccoons, so we’ve compiled them here. Each one is false or at the very least misleading.

  • “Raccoons are nocturnal.” Not true. While they prefer to venture out at night, raccoons can absolutely go out in the daytime.
  • “Raccoons hibernate through the winter.” False. Raccoons are less active during winter, but they don’t actually hibernate.
  • “All raccoons have rabies.” Myth. While it’s not uncommon for a raccoon to contract rabies, relatively few raccoons ever carry it.
  • “Raccoons wash their food before eating.” Wrong. Raccoons simply try to get a sense of their food while eating. They’re not actually cleaning it.

But just because they are often misunderstood doesn’t mean that removing raccoons from your property shouldn’t be a priority.

Why Raccoons Can Still Be A Dangerous, Destructive Nuisance

With these myths officially busted, it’s time for a quick discussion on some of the problems that raccoons can cause for your home.

As we touched on above, it is possible for raccoons to carry and spread rabies, so any raccoon acting strangely or aggressively should be left alone and reported to animal control. Raccoons can also cause damage to your property when they’re looking for insects or for a place to stay. Raccoons aren’t usually aggressive toward humans, but if they feel threatened, then they are more likely to attack.

Of course, if you find yourself dealing with a raccoon or a group of raccoons that’s causing these kinds of problems, then the best option is to work with a raccoon control service.

The Best Way To Remove Raccoons From Your Tampa Home

Getting rid of raccoons is actually much simpler than you might think, especially when you choose to work with the professionals at Haskell Termite & Pest Control.

A professional pest control service can identify the extent of the problem and safely remove any raccoons from your property, letting you and your family go back to business as usual.

For raccoon removal near you, contact Haskell Termite & Pest Control. We can set up an appointment and answer any questions you might have.