How To Protect Your Home From Termites In Tampa

Termites on a block of wood

We all have a to-do list around the house this summer. And when we’re going through old boxes, rearranging furniture, or tidying up the attic, we may be in for a terrible surprise. Termites usually infest houses without being noticed for long periods of time. When you finally discover them, it can be stressful. Haskell Termite & Pest Control provides efficient pest control in Tampa, and we want you to keep your house safe from termites.

Do I Have To Worry About Termites In Tampa?

Tampa has different kinds of termites, including drywood and subterranean. Because both live behind wood and deep in soil, they can be mining and chewing inside your home for a long time before you find out about them. Both drywood and subterranean termites infest homes, but they have different methods. Some key differences between drywood and subterranean termites are:

  • Subterranean termites go between their wood galleries and a nest in the soil to get moisture. Drywood termites set their nests up in wood. 
  • Subterranean termites build pathways called mud tunnels or tubes to get from the soil to their galleries in the wood. You’ll find these mud tunnels on the foundation.
  • Subterranean termites cause a lot more damage. Their colonies also develop much faster.

Subterranean termites are more difficult to remove once they’ve infested because they build their colonies much faster, spread out across the home and into the soil, and have more opportunities to hide.

Common Problems Termites Cause

Termites chew and dig out tunnels through wood. Once they get into your house, you’ll need to handle the problem or they won’t quit until the integrity of your wood structures is compromised. Problems with termite infestations are:

  • Wood damage 
  • Possible unsafe conditions from compromised structural integrity
  • Damaged or destroyed furniture
  • Expensive repairs
  • Water damage within wood

You won’t find these pests digging out from their tunnels. They dig out wood from the inside as they go, but don’t dig out into the open. You can always inspect your wood beams by pressing a thumb on them. Look for signs of water damage, including swelling wood or bubbling paint. These insects are attracted to moisture and collect it in their tunnels.

Simple Steps You Can Take To Protect Your Home From Termites

You should get to know what termites look for so you can start keeping them from damaging your property. Termites like moisture, wood, and soil. To prevent termites, you can:

  • Inspect the foundation for subterranean termites’ mud tunnels.
  • Check for evidence of termite damage by firmly pushing a thumb against wood. You can also look for water damage.
  • Check for signs of termites in trees in your yard. Termites in the yard can quickly become a house problem.
  • Keep firewood far from the house and stacked on a platform to separate it from the soil.
  • Fix leaky pipes.
  • Trim vegetation so it doesn’t act as a bridge to the house.

These prevention tips can help you catch an infestation early or stop it from happening, completely avoiding termite damage. If infestations get out of control, you will need the aid of a professional termite and pest control company.

Why DIY Termite Solutions Should Be Avoided

DIY termite treatments might save money, but they also skimp on the results. Trying to handle an infestation on your own isn’t recommended because:

  • DIY methods won’t eradicate an infestation. Applying these may scare termites to spread out to new locations.
  • Only advanced, professional technology can reach nests in the soil.
  • Commercially available sprays can be toxic to people, as well.

At Haskell Termite & Pest Control, we offer competitive pricing and free estimates, backed by impeccable service. Give us a call to eradicate your termite problem.